Monday, April 9, 2007


Most of the families, especially in the Philippine setting, are culture bound. Culture is deeply ingrained in the minds of every family member from birth to the growing up stage and still continues in maturity. Filipino culture is highly traditional. We still follow the sets of norm established then, from the time of the Pre-Spanish era to the age when the Spanish conquistadores ruled the land up to the present. As we all know, the Philippines has become the melting pot of numerous cultures of different races which took interest in the land. Our culture is a combination of distinct eastern and western culture, making it uniquely our own. The Spanish culture deeply influenced our culture.

The Filipino families are characterized for many things, but we are widely known for our hospitality. We always treat our visitors with heart-felt enthusiasm. The accommodations of our visitors are our number one concern. We always make sure that they are given plenty of food and drink, though usually it’s beyond our budget. We always give them the largest room with the softest pillows and blanket even if it means sleeping on the floor for the night. To decline hospitality offered by a certain Filipino Family is considered disrespectful.

Respect becomes the center of the Filipino Family. How to be respectful is taught to and learned by every Filipino child, not only by mind, but also by heart. Being disrespectful is a known taboo in every Filipino home. That is why the use of “po” and “opo” is prevalent in every Filipino home. Due respect is given to the elders. The elders give the rules, the children are to follow. This is also the reason why Filipino Culture is traditional. We learn from the elders. The words of the elders are the unwritten rule that we have to follow and would always be remain unbroken.

Filipino families are tightly knitted. We are known for our close-family ties. If it’s only possible, we would remain under one roof even if we are married with a houseful of children. This is called the extensive families. We live with our grandfathers and grandmothers with our aunts and uncles along with our cousins.

Filipino families are God-centered. God is the center of our families. It is considered necessary that every family should be blessed with the sanctity of marriage and every child born should be baptized. The whole family goes to church together as the symbol of their unity. This is also the reason why divorce is not permitted in our country. We are set to honor the vows that we have made.

We Filipinos are considered traditional who adapts with the continuing modernization of the world. We follow this flux but not losing the ties that characterizes us as Filipinos. Though being family-oriented is highly appreciated, we could use a bit f independence in the future. We should learn how to make it up on our own. We should also be able to differentiate and separate reality with traditions. We are living in a fast-paced world. We should not cling to these traditions as our lifelines. We could try to change and evolve by not losing our treasured pasts. This would always remain in our hearts.

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