Monday, April 9, 2007

Electronic Picture Sketching (Material Culture)

Filipino families love having family portraits. They give value to being together and as one family. Family portraits are one of the ways in representing their bond as a family.

Family Portraits on canvas can be done in 5 minutes, without any artist and without any pencils or paints. It appears on malls as arcade photo booth machine. Filipino families grew very fond of going to these booths and have their portraits sketched.

Advantage of Electronic Picture Sketching

Filipino families prefer this, since it is faster and cheaper. It is also quite fun, since it is a new idea, not everyone is aware of this method and they are usually too eager to see the outcome of their picture.

Disadvantage of Electronic Picture Sketching

The Filipino talent in art is being less noticed. Moreover, Electronic sketching is not as accurate and as beautiful as the real sketching and painting made by artists.

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