Monday, April 9, 2007

VHS, BETA, Data Conversion and Transferring (Material Culture)

Filipino families are also known for being sentimental, they give great value and respect to their past and experiences. They believe that, for what or who they are now, it is because of the past. Filipino families have always cherished and treasured these memories. These memories are stored in their VHS, BETA media which unfortunately, has become obsolete. But because of these innovative ideas, they can be transferred to CDs and DVDs and is stored at higher speeds and larger ranges.

This has been very common to the Filipinos at the year 2007.

Advantage of Media Conversion

Home videos can now be viewed on DVDs and even on computers and can be reproduced easier and more convenient for safe keeping. It has been more versatile in terms of usage and damage protection.

Disadvantage of Media Conversion

Privacy content is not that much secured already compared when it was still in VHS. CDs and DVDs are easily reproduced, and these media can be extracted and can be sent over electronic mails and other wireless transfer devices.

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