Saturday, April 7, 2007


The Filipino Family of 2007 is very modernized in the sense that they are open to new ideas and methods. The culture of the past Filipino Family is not totally absent in the 2007 Filipino family; moreover, they are very flexible in terms of adapting modernization. We also learned that the 2007 Filipino family is greatly influenced by their children, rather than the adults influencing the children. However, of course, in terms of values and the foundation of the children, the adults are still the ones who are guiding them, and the ones whom they look up to as role models. The way the Filipino family are influenced by their children or the younger members of the family, is the fact that the children are more exposed to new ideas and modernization compared to the responsible adults.

Our selections of material and non-material culture, confidently shows the real essence of the Filipino family of 2007. They reflect the behavior of the Filipino families, and at the same time their effects on them. The great relevance of these items would help people in the future to better understand what the Filipino families in 2007 do, their likes or dislikes, their reaction, and the way they changed over the years.

The Filipino family of 2007 is very different from the past because of their activities, and because of their absence in conservatism. They are very unique in the way that they gain new ideas and easily accept them; moreover, the beauty of the 2007 Filipino family is that they were able to preserve the values of the past which established their distinction as a Filipino family.

So what do you think of the 2007 Filipino family? Me, I'm proud to be one...^^