Monday, April 9, 2007


Before we enter and experience the 2007 Filipino Family Culture, lets grasp a song and a poem which reflects the essence of Filipino Family

A Song for Thought

Freddie Aguilar

Nang isilang ka sa mundong ito

Laking tuwa ng magulang mo
At ang kamay nila ang iyong ilaw
At ang Nanay at Tatay mo'y
'Di malaman ang gagawin
Minamasdan pati pagtulog mo
Sa gabi napupuyat ang iyong Nanay
Sa pagtimpla ng gatas mo
At sa umaga nama'y kalong ka
Ng iyong amang tuwang-tuwa sa iyo

Ngayon nga ay malaki ka na
Nais mo'y maging malaya
'Di man sila payag walang magagawa
Ikaw nga ay biglang nagbago
Naging matigas ang iyong ulo
At ang payo nila'y sinuway mo
Hindi mo man lang inisip na
Ang kanilang ginagawa'y para sa iyo
Pagka't ang nais mo'y masunod ang layaw mo
'Di mo sila pinapansin

Nagdaan pa ang mga araw
At ang landas mo'y naligaw
Ikaw ay nalulong sa masamang bisyo
At ang una mong nilapitan
Ang iyong inang lumuluha
At ang tanong, "Anak, ba't ka nagkaganyan?"
At ang iyong mga mata'y biglang lumuha
Ng 'di mo napapansin
Nagsisisi at sa isip mo'y
Nalaman mong ika'y nagkamali
Nagsisisi at sa isip mo'y
Nalaman mong ika'y nagkamali

A Poetry About the Typical Filipino Family

May Pasko Pa Rin
Fermin S. Salvador
Nagsisimbang-gabi ang balana, tandang
Ay muling naging orasan -

Sa kasiglahan ng sanggol na umaga'y
Magarang saplot ang puyat na dagitab
Na may sarikulay, maging sarihubog;

Nagsisimbang-gabi ang balana, tandang
Nagpapasko pa rin:

Kaya 'nilalako uli ang debate
Ng ating ninuno na gaya'ng deboto,
"Sa Deciembre veinte-cinco ba si Cristo
Tunay na 'sinilang?" "May Santa Claus nga ba?"
At, may hikab, "Ano ang diwa ng Pasko?"

Matatanda, tulad ng sangkapaslita'y
Pawang tinatablan ng mithi na hapag
Ay maging sagana;

Matatanda, tulad ng sangkapaslita'y
May taas-kamao na makapaghandog
At makapagyabang;

Bawat sabit ng parol ay tango ng pag-ayon
Bawat kyut na krismastri'y dambuhalang pagtugon
Bawat bagong karoling ay wika ng panahon
Bawat tindang binilot ay lakip ang paglagom

Na may Pasko pa rin,

Habang sa karimlan ng laot na langit,
Hindi nag-iisa ang tala't bituin.


This blog contains the culture of the 2007 Filipino Family. This blog shows how this culture affects the Filipino family, and they are classified under two categories: Material Culture and Non-Material Culture. We chose the following items of the year 2007, because based on our observations, these are the items that affects the various concerns of family members and the family itself. They are greatly affected by these factors, and you’ll be able to see how the Filipino families live by modernization and the way they utilize them. In addition, you’ll also realize the changes in their values, folkways and even fads. Welcome to the Filipino Family Portrait of 2007.


Most of the families, especially in the Philippine setting, are culture bound. Culture is deeply ingrained in the minds of every family member from birth to the growing up stage and still continues in maturity. Filipino culture is highly traditional. We still follow the sets of norm established then, from the time of the Pre-Spanish era to the age when the Spanish conquistadores ruled the land up to the present. As we all know, the Philippines has become the melting pot of numerous cultures of different races which took interest in the land. Our culture is a combination of distinct eastern and western culture, making it uniquely our own. The Spanish culture deeply influenced our culture.

The Filipino families are characterized for many things, but we are widely known for our hospitality. We always treat our visitors with heart-felt enthusiasm. The accommodations of our visitors are our number one concern. We always make sure that they are given plenty of food and drink, though usually it’s beyond our budget. We always give them the largest room with the softest pillows and blanket even if it means sleeping on the floor for the night. To decline hospitality offered by a certain Filipino Family is considered disrespectful.

Respect becomes the center of the Filipino Family. How to be respectful is taught to and learned by every Filipino child, not only by mind, but also by heart. Being disrespectful is a known taboo in every Filipino home. That is why the use of “po” and “opo” is prevalent in every Filipino home. Due respect is given to the elders. The elders give the rules, the children are to follow. This is also the reason why Filipino Culture is traditional. We learn from the elders. The words of the elders are the unwritten rule that we have to follow and would always be remain unbroken.

Filipino families are tightly knitted. We are known for our close-family ties. If it’s only possible, we would remain under one roof even if we are married with a houseful of children. This is called the extensive families. We live with our grandfathers and grandmothers with our aunts and uncles along with our cousins.

Filipino families are God-centered. God is the center of our families. It is considered necessary that every family should be blessed with the sanctity of marriage and every child born should be baptized. The whole family goes to church together as the symbol of their unity. This is also the reason why divorce is not permitted in our country. We are set to honor the vows that we have made.

We Filipinos are considered traditional who adapts with the continuing modernization of the world. We follow this flux but not losing the ties that characterizes us as Filipinos. Though being family-oriented is highly appreciated, we could use a bit f independence in the future. We should learn how to make it up on our own. We should also be able to differentiate and separate reality with traditions. We are living in a fast-paced world. We should not cling to these traditions as our lifelines. We could try to change and evolve by not losing our treasured pasts. This would always remain in our hearts.


Year 2007 is a year of infinite possibilities and innovation. It is the year in the Philippine setting that people utilize the modern technology, and wherein the Filipino Family has engaged in the use of new ideas and philosophies which has affected old traditions in a positive and in a negative way.

The 2007 Filipino Family Culture

Every Family has their beliefs, practices, and a culture also applies to them. The Filipino Family Culture is subdivided into two: Material Culture and Non-Material Culture.

Material Culture

It includes physical objects or artifacts. These are the things that human beings create by altering natural environment. It refers to concentrate and tangible things that man creates and uses. The Filipino Family adapted many of these culture in the year 2007, and it has affected their lives as a group and as an individual in both positive and negative ways.

Non-Material Culture

What is it all about? Definitely, it is not the same as material culture since, it consists of words people use, the habits they follow, the ideas, customs, behavior of any society profess and to which they strive to conform.

God and Religion (Non-Material Culture)

God, the epicenter of every Filipino Family. It is rooted within the Filipino family in being united with God. Even if they are modernized at the year 2007, the Filipino family never forgets God. They always go to mass on Sundays, and for some families on their dedications.

The Filipino family is religious and the center of their lives revolves with God. God almighty is their guide in their lives, wherein no matter how hard life would be for them, they never stopped believing in God and is united together as a family under God's grace.

Food Trip (Non-Material Culture)

Filipino families are very fond of eating. Almost every corner of the streets in the city, you'll find food in many different stalls and restaurants.

Filipino families as you'll see, they love gatherings, and for them, gatherings would mean eating together. They give value to being together and the presence of one another is one major factor of their being.

Outing and Parties (Non-Material Culture)

Filipino Families of 2007 loves to get together. And since at that time, the country's facing the verge of undeniable crisis, Filipino families would take it off in having vacations!

click on the link below to view a short clip of a Filipino family having an outdoor party get together!

=>Cool Filipino Family<=

Filipino families get together once in a while to enjoy and feel each others company. It reflects their character of not forgetting about their family members and showing the fun and the laughter that they have for each other.

Music, Karaoke, KTV (Non-Material Culture)

>>>>>>>>>>>The Musical Filipino Family<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Click on the link above to view a short clip of a Filipino Family enjoying music!

What would Filipinos be without music? Filipino Families of 2007 loves music, and it reflects their joyous and cheerful nature despite the problems around them. It doesn't mean that they are indifferent, it just simply means that despite the problem that they are facing each and everyday, they're still together bonded as one, united with their laughters and giggles, and they share it all with music.

The Filipino Family of 2007 is very attached to these type of setting. Going to KTVs, simple karaoke trip makes their day. Its their way of expressing themselves.

Sony Playstation 3 (Material Culture)

Sony PlayStation 3 is the new age game console. From the very first installment of Sony PlayStation back in 1995 here in the Philippines, Filipinos has engaged to this phenomena; moreover, the Filipino Family has been very fond of the system since it is one way of bonding them together.

With the new technology Sony PS3 has brought, Filipino families can choose wide range bonding over the web and even in local area networking. Through the technology the PS3 could offer, Filipino families getting together, and having fun together has never been easier and economic.

Of course it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Sony PlayStation 3

Because of the modern technology of networking and innovative games PS3 has brought, no matter how far a family member would be, they can connect and communicate through PS3 easily and very convenient.

Also, with the many different genres of games which include critical thinking ang decision making, the Family Members thinking become sharper and faster.

Disadvantage of Sony PlayStation 3

Because of the fun factor PS3 could offer, addiction between children and adults occur. There are times that they miss some meals and important events in their lives.

There are also times that they lose some good habits because of the addiction. Moreover, the PS3 is expensive and the cost of using it using the network also costs a lot.

The Philippine Peso (Material Culture)

Over the years, the Philippine Peso has gradually fallen down. Its value has become very low and is being reflected by the outrageous prices of commodities at this year. Everyone needs money, and at the most, Filipino Families are greatly affected since the need for money is greatly applicable within a family.

At the year 2007, the Philippine economy is largely at stake facing many threats in the business and trading industry, the Philippine Peso however, has risen up its value better compared to the previous years. But still, it hasn’t help that much since most of the people have been relying on their relatives abroad which would support them more efficiently since they are earning other currency. As a result, most of the Filipinos don’t give that much value and pride for our own currency.

Figuratively speaking, there are two classifications into which our money has gone to at this year: the rise of the Philippine Peso, and the fall of the Philippine Peso.

Advantage of Philippine Peso

The rise of the Philippine Peso is a very big disadvantage. Not only did our money’s value risen up to a higher level, using the dollar vs. peso rate as a basis, but also the prices of some certain commodities had fallen too. Filipino families are encouraged to work harder for the better economy since they are the ones who’ll be benefiting from this advantage.


The fall of the Philippine peso on the other hand is a very big disadvantage. Most of the Filipinos are either discouraged from working here or they take their family with them abroad and migrate there to live their so called better life.

In addition, since many things at this rate could not be afforded, many Filipino families have reached poverty line. Crimes and opposition against the government has risen up to a certain level.

The Rise of Mobile Technology: LAPTOP (Material Culture)

Laptop prices fell down and many average Filipino families could afford it.

Laptops are very useful for family members. They could store their picture files and videos in it easily and they can just bring it anywhere. With the mobility of laptops, they can communicate through chats and emails with the convenience of their desks and one button press features.

It is also very convenient for the young members of the Filipino Family since the children, primarily students rely on the technology of computers, and laptops are used in their studies.

Advantage of Laptop

Mobility has never been easier. Children will also easily learn the technology and later on adapt the trend.

Disadvantage of Laptop

Filipino families become too much dependent on mobile technology resulting to neglecting the presence of many effective and economic methods. Also because of the power that this technology brings, some features of this technology would solve everything in a certain field for a person, resulting to loss of knowledge and mastery of that field (i.e. optometry, calculating, medical).

VHS, BETA, Data Conversion and Transferring (Material Culture)

Filipino families are also known for being sentimental, they give great value and respect to their past and experiences. They believe that, for what or who they are now, it is because of the past. Filipino families have always cherished and treasured these memories. These memories are stored in their VHS, BETA media which unfortunately, has become obsolete. But because of these innovative ideas, they can be transferred to CDs and DVDs and is stored at higher speeds and larger ranges.

This has been very common to the Filipinos at the year 2007.

Advantage of Media Conversion

Home videos can now be viewed on DVDs and even on computers and can be reproduced easier and more convenient for safe keeping. It has been more versatile in terms of usage and damage protection.

Disadvantage of Media Conversion

Privacy content is not that much secured already compared when it was still in VHS. CDs and DVDs are easily reproduced, and these media can be extracted and can be sent over electronic mails and other wireless transfer devices.

Electronic Picture Sketching (Material Culture)

Filipino families love having family portraits. They give value to being together and as one family. Family portraits are one of the ways in representing their bond as a family.

Family Portraits on canvas can be done in 5 minutes, without any artist and without any pencils or paints. It appears on malls as arcade photo booth machine. Filipino families grew very fond of going to these booths and have their portraits sketched.

Advantage of Electronic Picture Sketching

Filipino families prefer this, since it is faster and cheaper. It is also quite fun, since it is a new idea, not everyone is aware of this method and they are usually too eager to see the outcome of their picture.

Disadvantage of Electronic Picture Sketching

The Filipino talent in art is being less noticed. Moreover, Electronic sketching is not as accurate and as beautiful as the real sketching and painting made by artists.

On-Line Gaming (Non-Material Culture)

On-Line Gaming has been a craze in the year 2007. People all over the globe can now engage in one game with both different and same objectives. In the Filipino Family, brothers and even sisters alike would engage in on-line gaming to be together again through the cyberspace. It has a very interactive interface, On-line gaming simulates the essence of being together since, unlike in a normal chat session, On-line games takes you to the cybernetic world which represents the real world.

Most of the Filipino families have this kind of activity in their lives. They play on-line games together, or at most cases at least the siblings does play together.

When you try to play the game, it has many similar features compare to the real life setting. You’ll even experience the courtesy and the hospitality of Filipinos inside the game.

Ball-Room Dancing (Non-Material Culture)

Filipinos loves to dance, and one of which at the year 2007 is ball room dancing. It is even shown on television, it is being promoted to all ages and at most cases, the adults and the senior citizens are attracted to it.

The various arts in dancing are being practiced by many. Most of the time, parents are engaged into this activity and the children are either encouraged or affected.

The mother and sometimes even the father engage in ball room dancing. They usually leave the children at home, but there are also times that they are brought to engage in this activity.

Cock-Fighting "Sabong" (Non-Material Culture)

Cock-fighting is very popular among Filipino families, most especially on the male side of the family. It is their favorite pastime and their way of relieving stress. Despite the negative effects and negative connotations of gambling, cock-fighting is sportsmanship and also a way of socializing between families and friends.

The male members of the Filipino family agree on their common interests with regards to cockfighting. They are bonded and through the enjoyment and the thrill that cock-fighting bring, they form close relationships and closeness with each other.

Boxing Craze (Non-Material Culture)

In the year 2007, Boxing has been popularized by Manny Pacquiao. Filipino Family get together enjoying the thrill of boxing. It is at this time that Filipinos were getting their support all out for the Filipinos who hold the honor every Filipino contender holds. It is in boxing where, Filipinos where better known and has become popular.

Series of television commercial ads for boxing is being shown in the television. Somehow, it has dominated the advertising industry since it has been a big influence

New Colloquial Terms (Non-Material Culture)

Who would think that only technology innovates? Languages, particularly the colloquial language of the Filipinos has also changed. New terms were added to the Filipino Colloquial vocabulary. Words such as: “kitakits”, which means see you around and on the controversial side, the gay lingo, for example: “churvaness” and “echos”.

Most of these new colloquial terms can’t be understood by some people. In the Filipino family, when members of the family speak this way, most of the time they can’t understand each other, since some of the words aren’t formally and usually used.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Tennis and Badminton (Non-Material Culture)

The Filipino family of 2007 plays the badminton and tennis. It is their way of relaxation and stress remover. Through these sports they get together and compete against each other. Together they grow strong actively and healthy.


The Filipino Family of 2007 is very modernized in the sense that they are open to new ideas and methods. The culture of the past Filipino Family is not totally absent in the 2007 Filipino family; moreover, they are very flexible in terms of adapting modernization. We also learned that the 2007 Filipino family is greatly influenced by their children, rather than the adults influencing the children. However, of course, in terms of values and the foundation of the children, the adults are still the ones who are guiding them, and the ones whom they look up to as role models. The way the Filipino family are influenced by their children or the younger members of the family, is the fact that the children are more exposed to new ideas and modernization compared to the responsible adults.

Our selections of material and non-material culture, confidently shows the real essence of the Filipino family of 2007. They reflect the behavior of the Filipino families, and at the same time their effects on them. The great relevance of these items would help people in the future to better understand what the Filipino families in 2007 do, their likes or dislikes, their reaction, and the way they changed over the years.

The Filipino family of 2007 is very different from the past because of their activities, and because of their absence in conservatism. They are very unique in the way that they gain new ideas and easily accept them; moreover, the beauty of the 2007 Filipino family is that they were able to preserve the values of the past which established their distinction as a Filipino family.

So what do you think of the 2007 Filipino family? Me, I'm proud to be one...^^

Wednesday, April 4, 2007